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Trio of Passion(克拉克拉)_Trio of Passion全文免费阅读无弹窗_女生耽美_烟花忆
烟花忆女生耽美Trio of Passion
Trio of Passion
Trio of Passion

Trio of Passion

  • 分类:女生耽美
  • 字数:4 万
  • 状态:连载
  • 更新:2023-08-09


This is a collection of erotica bonus stories of Love at Dawn/Dawn in the Foggy Dew. Here, Edith, Raphael, and Andre are going to explore different paths towards a happy ending.

Story 1: What if Andre successfully escaped on the ninth day of Thermidor?

Story 2: What if Edith agreed to run away with Raphael on the night of his exile?

Story 3: What if Raphael was reincarnated on March 29, 1794?

Story 4: What if Raphael joined the Thermidorists?

Story 5: What if Edith, Raphael, Lucas, and Andre lived in the 21st century?

And more to come...


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  1. [女生耽美]被嫡姐换亲之后
  2. [女生耽美]热烈
  3. [玄幻魔法]日蚀之刻
  4. [女生耽美]山谷里的百合
  5. [女生耽美]大雪
  6. [女生耽美]后宫多窈窕
  7. [女生耽美]龙王嫁女
  8. [武侠修真]老婆是渣A文大佬女主
  9. [武侠修真]我在现代留过学
  10. [玄幻魔法]我欲九天揽月
  11. [女生耽美]小心肝
  12. [女生耽美]月小娄的短篇小故事合集
  13. [女生耽美]怪谈都说我是个老六
  14. [女生耽美]我带大佬收破烂
  15. [女生耽美]血肉之花
  16. [女生耽美]海潮
  17. [武侠修真]惊艳
  18. [女生耽美]皇后虽蠢但实在美丽
  19. [历史军事]极品太子爷
  20. [女生耽美]硬核系统让我当大佬[七零]
  21. [女生耽美]带球跑被抓现场
  22. [女生耽美]归来
  23. [女生耽美]囚莺(双重生)
  24. [玄幻魔法]全横滨都想吃我的软饭
